Tuesday, July 28, 2020

BOOK 15#

Title- 'Gone Grandmother'


Publisher, Year- Tulika Pubishers, 2016

Grade- 5th

Genre- Picture Book

Theme- Death/Loss

Author - Chatura Rao

Brief Biography

Chatura Rao is a Mumbai-based author and journalist. She had authored of a couple of novels and short stories for children that have appeared in several anthologies. She also leads writing workshops where children learn to make stories. She was a recipient of the ‘Laadli National Award’ in 2017 and ‘The Hindu's Good Books’ award in 2018. Her other works include ‘The Blueprint of love’, ‘Amie and the Chawl Colour’ , ‘Meanwhile , Upriver’ etc.


Nina’s nani has gone forever. But where has she gone? Asks Nina. Nina’s mother struggles to answer Nina’s question. But Nina finds her own answers, through good memories of nani and a little bit of science!

Reading - Writing Strategies

Pre- reading

  • Has it ever happened that someone you really love went away?
  • How did that make you feel?

 During reading

  • You can ask the students, where do you think Nina’s grandmother is gone?
  • How do you think Nina is feeling right now?
  • Do you think people really go to the stars?
  • Would you know a way we can travel to the stars?

Post reading

  • You can use this story to introduce message writing to students.
  • You can ask the students to think of a person who has gone away like Nina’s nani or anyone that they miss. And you can ask them to write them a small message, asking their whereabouts and wishing them well.


  • You can use origami to make paper boats, and have the students write their messages on them.



 ‘Gone Grandmother’ approaches the theme of death or loss of a loved one in a very delicate manner. Death or loss can be a very tricky subject to deal, even with adults. But this story has used this theme in a way that even children can connect to it.

The illustrations breathe life into the feelings that Nina and her mother are going through. And as the story progresses, you feel how appropriately a little child’s confusion to a puzzling situation is captured.

I personally connected to the story because the message of the story is to not overcome your grief by being tough or suppressing your emotions. Because when we lose people we care about, the grief we go through it doesn’t disappear. It stays with us. But we deal with it on our own pace. Similar to what Nina does in the story.

The character of the mother is also well written. As Nina’s maa is also openly showing her grief and she answers Nina’s question despite, her being struggling emotionally as well.




  1. Even I have entries on the same book. Its a beautiful story on how Nina cope on the loss of her grandmother.

  2. I agree,there are'nt many books which deal with such a sensitive theme in a good manner.


BOOK 20#

Title - 'A Butterfly Smile' Publisher, Year - Pratham Books, 2017 Grade - 3rd Genre - Picture Book Theme - Environment/ Mi...