Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Title – 'Lets Go Seed Collecting!'

Toka Book Shop

Publisher, Place- Pratham Books,Bangalore

Grade- 3rd

Genre – Picture Book

Theme – Environment

Author- Neha Sumitran, Archana Sreenivasan

Brief Biography

Neha Sumitran is an aspiring author and the former editor of NatGeo traveller. Archana Sreenivasan is a famous illustrator. Both of them, have co-authored this book, as part of a set of books on the theme of environment and conservation published by Pratham. It is perfect for young nature-lovers.



Have you ever collected pebbles of different shapes or perhaps something you found interesting? How did you find it? Where did you keep it?

This beautiful book depicts the story of a group of friends, who like to collect things as well.

Reading - Writing Strategies

This story can be used to introduce the theme of seeds in EVS.

Pre- reading

  • Ask the students if they know what is a collection? What is a seed?
  • Have they ever collected something before? If yes, what was it?
  • Have they seen someone in their family collect anything?

During reading
  • Point to the illustrations and ask the students if they have a seen riverside before?
  • Is this what a river side looks like?
  • Point to the picture of seeds in the book and ask the students if they have seen seeds of similar shapes? Where do they find seeds in their house?
  • Ask them to name a few seeds they see every day around the house.
  • Have you ever seen a tamarind tree? Where did you see it? Can you name a few trees you have seen?
  • Have you ever seen a planted a tree? Where did you plant it?

Post reading

  • You can ask the students to create a) a seed collection of their own b) collect any other object that they want.
  • You can ask them to use the following table to create a record of their collection.

Name of the object/ Name of the seed

Draw a picture / trace a picture

a)      Description








Purpose -



b) Where did you find it?




It is quite common for us to find seeds lying around our house. Take a bite of an apple? There is a beautiful black seed. Mom makes you eat spouts? That’s chick peas and moong dal seeds.

Seeds come in varieties of shapes, sizes, colours etc. They can be of various types as well. You can’t eat all of them, can you? All of them have their own purposes as well.

This beautifully illustrated book, is a good resource for an exploration into theme of seeds and plants. The setting of the book and the name of the characters are also quite different from the usual books on similar themes.



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BOOK 20#

Title - 'A Butterfly Smile' Publisher, Year - Pratham Books, 2017 Grade - 3rd Genre - Picture Book Theme - Environment/ Mi...